The only emperor in the world right now is Japanese Emperor “Naruhito”. And on October 22nd 2019, there was an emperor’s enthronement ceremony in Tokyo, Japan.
On this memorable historic day, miracles had happened…!!
There are some amazing pictures captured “Emperor weather” with a rainbow, which was caused by typhoons.
What happened and the details of “Emperor weather”
Unfortunately 20th & 21st typhoon (2019) were heading towards to Japan then it was supposed to rain hard all day on this day which was one of the most historic event; Japanese Emperor’s enthronement ceremony.

Following is a couple of hours before the ceremony started.
Emperor Naruhito's enthronement ceremony has begun, but the weather is not cooperating
— Patricia Treble (@PatriciaTreble) October 22, 2019
But actually, during ceremony, it stopped raining and the weather became fine!!!!
Followings are the weather radars before and during the ceremony.

Like these pictures, rainy clouds cleared out only in an hour and half.
In addition, surprisingly, the beautiful rainbow arched almost on the imperial palace where the ceremony had been held….!!
Besides, one of the typhoons coming towards to Japan disappeared (seriously?!) and the Mt. Fuji showed up with the first snow covered in this year….!!
And, after the ceremony finished, IT STARTED RAINING AGAIN..!!!
How amazing, isn’t it??!!!
I will show some pictures to share these miracles with everyone who is interested in these incidents…!
Pictures of “Emperor weather” during Japanese enthronement ceremony in 2019
Pictures -With the rainbow
— ネック® (@nk_falo) October 22, 2019
天皇弥栄!天皇弥栄!天皇弥栄!— 快楽師 地獄丸 (@zigokumaru) October 22, 2019
— パレオ柱 (@takoshariken) October 22, 2019
一日本国民として、連綿と続く皇室の安泰をお祈り申し上げます。— Onodera Kota (@romaneeconti910) October 22, 2019
Pictures -Mt. Fuji during the ceremony

Pictures -One of Typhoons had disappeared…

People who was mentioning about “Emperor weather”
Although it rained in Tokyo today, it was fine during the
ceremony. It’s called “Emperor Weather”!! I’ve got several commemorative coins!— Hitsuji & Friends 羊ヶ丘ひつじとお友達 (@Yans_Publisher) October 22, 2019
It was raining this morning and the weather was pretty gloomily. But now it's bright and sunny. Feels like it's also welcoming Emperor Naruhito's ascension to the throne.
— Jianne (@imjiannems) October 22, 2019
Amazing "Emperor's Weather".
— kentooowada (@kentooowada) October 22, 2019
Emperor of Weatherって。こんなカッコいい称号あります?— ミシリン (@shyajin) October 22, 2019
— HANKLOW ENUNE (@ENUNE11) October 22, 2019